An Auto insurance does not cover the driver and vehicle. The owner of the vehicle may have insurance but that does not mean he or she covers every person who drives the vehicle. The policy only covers the owner and the vehicle. Every other person who drives the vehicle must also have their own insurance and a valid driver's license.
Anytime somebody drives your car without a valid license or insurance and they are involved in an accident, the insurance company is not liable to pay for the damages.
Your car is obviously worth a lot of money. However, the insurance is completely thrown out the door if you are not operating it in case of an accident. The coverage then turns into the new driver's hands and his or her policy. If they do not have one, well then, you're in a lot of deep trouble.
Even if your friend tells you he is insured, and he might as well think so, he is technically not considered insured by the provider if there is any lapse in payment the policy is considered non-effective.
Insurance companies are in business to make profit and usually react very aggressively when they do not get paid their dues. The only way you can solve that is by consistently paying off your premium. So even if you are dedicated to your policy and constantly cover your premium, it doesn't necessary mean your friends do.
Owning and operating a vehicle is one filled with great responsibility. One mistake and you put not only yourself, but others in danger. If you you're your car to others make sure they are protected by their insurance, or else their one mistake could cost you thousands of dollars.
Anytime somebody drives your car without a valid license or insurance and they are involved in an accident, the insurance company is not liable to pay for the damages.
Your car is obviously worth a lot of money. However, the insurance is completely thrown out the door if you are not operating it in case of an accident. The coverage then turns into the new driver's hands and his or her policy. If they do not have one, well then, you're in a lot of deep trouble.
Even if your friend tells you he is insured, and he might as well think so, he is technically not considered insured by the provider if there is any lapse in payment the policy is considered non-effective.
Insurance companies are in business to make profit and usually react very aggressively when they do not get paid their dues. The only way you can solve that is by consistently paying off your premium. So even if you are dedicated to your policy and constantly cover your premium, it doesn't necessary mean your friends do.
Owning and operating a vehicle is one filled with great responsibility. One mistake and you put not only yourself, but others in danger. If you you're your car to others make sure they are protected by their insurance, or else their one mistake could cost you thousands of dollars.