Roadside assistance is a great thing to have for the fact that it can get you out of a bind when you are traveling. There is nothing more frightening when on the road than breaking down and not having anyone to help you. There are too many instances in which an individual may be traveling and they break down too far away from anyone they know. What happens is they then have to call a towing service to help them and that towing service will charge a lot of money to tow them to a hotel or another destination.
Sure, it is great that towing is available if you need it, but the cost can be so incredibly high. If youre traveling with a limited amount of money, you may find yourself sleeping in your car somewhere because you have to pay the towing fee and you cant afford a hotel. You would be amazed how many people this happens to. Whats said is that this doesnt have to happen at all.
Roadside assistance
If you tend to travel or you are going to be traveling sometime soon, it is important that you look into a good roadside assistance package with towing services. You pay one low fee each month for your roadside assistance. It usually consists of different services, such as tire assistance, battery assistance, lockout service, and someone will bring you gas if you run out of gas. But the towing service can be the best of them all for the fact that there isnt always a fix right there on the side of the road. The car needs to be taken somewhere if it will not run at all.
Instead of you having to call a tow truck and pay them every dime in your pocket, you can call your auto club and tell them what is going on. What they will do is contact a local tow service for you and two you for a certain distance. You have to take a look at your roadside assistance plan to know how far they will tow you. Many of them will tow you up to 50 miles and what is great is you dont have to pay them when they are done. Your roadside assistance service takes care of that for you because youve been paying them monthly anyway. Youve more or less already covered the cost through your membership fee, so you have nothing to worry about when youre on the road.
Should you get it?
If youre still wondering if you should get roadside assistance, you have to ask yourself how you would handle being stranded in a strange place. If you have a wireless phone, you could call information for a towing service, but then you would be stuck with the cost. That is where you ask yourself if you could handle the cost of towing if you had to. You dont want to be one of those individuals who pay large amounts of money to be towed to a hotel lot or a supermarket parking lot so that you can sleep in your car and seek out help the next day. That is simply unacceptable, especially if you dont have to put yourself through that.
So if you dont have a roadside assistance package that includes towing, you need to get one. It is good to be safe than sorry when you are out and about on the road. When it is all said and done, that will be a move that you were glad you made. It is worth the monthly cost to not be stuck somewhere.
Sure, it is great that towing is available if you need it, but the cost can be so incredibly high. If youre traveling with a limited amount of money, you may find yourself sleeping in your car somewhere because you have to pay the towing fee and you cant afford a hotel. You would be amazed how many people this happens to. Whats said is that this doesnt have to happen at all.
Roadside assistance
If you tend to travel or you are going to be traveling sometime soon, it is important that you look into a good roadside assistance package with towing services. You pay one low fee each month for your roadside assistance. It usually consists of different services, such as tire assistance, battery assistance, lockout service, and someone will bring you gas if you run out of gas. But the towing service can be the best of them all for the fact that there isnt always a fix right there on the side of the road. The car needs to be taken somewhere if it will not run at all.
Instead of you having to call a tow truck and pay them every dime in your pocket, you can call your auto club and tell them what is going on. What they will do is contact a local tow service for you and two you for a certain distance. You have to take a look at your roadside assistance plan to know how far they will tow you. Many of them will tow you up to 50 miles and what is great is you dont have to pay them when they are done. Your roadside assistance service takes care of that for you because youve been paying them monthly anyway. Youve more or less already covered the cost through your membership fee, so you have nothing to worry about when youre on the road.
Should you get it?
If youre still wondering if you should get roadside assistance, you have to ask yourself how you would handle being stranded in a strange place. If you have a wireless phone, you could call information for a towing service, but then you would be stuck with the cost. That is where you ask yourself if you could handle the cost of towing if you had to. You dont want to be one of those individuals who pay large amounts of money to be towed to a hotel lot or a supermarket parking lot so that you can sleep in your car and seek out help the next day. That is simply unacceptable, especially if you dont have to put yourself through that.
So if you dont have a roadside assistance package that includes towing, you need to get one. It is good to be safe than sorry when you are out and about on the road. When it is all said and done, that will be a move that you were glad you made. It is worth the monthly cost to not be stuck somewhere.
About the Author:
Auto club offering CAA membership roadside assistance, CAA travel and insurance. Ask for our roadside assistance and CAA Insurance package!!. We offer discounts on New York City Vacation Packages and Las Vegas vacation packages.