The method in which you pay your auto insurance company can have an effect on the price you pay. Auto insurance companies are now offering small discounts to those who pay electronically, or through what is called electronic funds transfer. The EFT route of payment results in less paperwork and is more reliable, so auto insurance companies like to encourage the usage of this method.
Since students aren't of age to get the full benefit of discounts auto insurance companies offer, there are some discounts that are targeted solely to them. Students who maintain a high GPA will be able to get a moderate discount each month. Holding a GPA of 4.0 on the 4.0 scale will show an auto insurance agency that you are responsible both in school and while on the road.
If you know that you are a good driver, and that you deserve extra reward for being so, you can opt for a program such as that Progressive agencies offer. Progressive has a MyRate plan that allows a device to be installed that monitors your speeds and driving times. Those who drive less and drive well can get a high discount on their premiums- sometimes as much as a third. Otherwise, it could result in being more costly to drivers.
Car insurance companies have to cover accidents that might happen if you car is stolen or vandalized as well. If you have the proper security system installed, some insurers will decide to cut you a better deal. If you take matters to protect your car against something that would cost them money, the car insurance representative should realize this is something worthy of rewarding. Not all auto insurance companies do this, however.
Whatever you do- stay out of trouble with the law. Once an auto insurance company picks up wind of a violation, your rates could double or triple. If you have to file for SR-22 insurance, expect your rates to be sky-high for at least two years. Things such as excessive speeding, driving while intoxicated, and even getting in a wreck can qualify you for a large penalty.