Today's household budgets are strained by many factors. Rising costs for food, clothing and gasoline cause the household budget to appear to shrink as each day goes past. The consumer is constantly looking for fresh methods to stretch their budget without going without necessities. One attractive area to save money in the annual household budget appears to be insurance costs. Advertisements on television make the availability of discount auto insurance a method of saving. The question is, is discount auto insurance obtained on line worth the monetary savings?
One of the biggest questions that is involved in purchasing insurance is whether or not full coverage is required. If a vehicle is leased or has a lien on it, the lien holder will require full coverage to be maintained on the vehicle. This guarantees the lien holder that they will not suffer a loss if the vehicle is involved in an accident. If the consumer owns their vehicle free and clear, this question is problematic. Liability insurance, which is required by most states, guarantees that should the vehicle be involved in an accident any damage caused by the vehicle is paid for up to the limit of the policy. Collision insurance, which is not required, protects your vehicle when it is damaged by another vehicle. As with collision insurance, comprehensive insurance is not required but protects the vehicle from fire and theft. There are multiple other options available to the insurance purchaser and the purchaser must determine which options fit their needs in the most effective manner.
Prior to the availability of the Internet, auto insurance was purchased either from an agent or a broker. One particular company employed insurance agents while brokers represented several different companies. The agents and brokers were paid a commission for both the policies that they wrote and renewed. In theory, the insurance professionals could develop a relationship with the consumer and determine exactly what the needs were of each individual person.
If a customer was dissatisfied with either their coverage or their broker, a long and involved process needed to be undertaken to make a change. Multiple telephone calls with repetitive questions and answers needed to be made to various insurance agents. This process was both time consuming and in many cases caused frustration for the consumer. It was often difficult for the consumer to compare the coverage offered by the different companies.
The Internet provided insurance companies a vast opportunity. This opportunity was to be able to offer discount auto insurance to a larger market. This larger market provided a broader base for the insurance companies to spread the risk factor over. Additionally, in addition to spreading out the risk factor, the insurance companies, by offering coverage directly to the consumer could eliminate the need to pay commissions to agents or brokers. These two factors allowed the insurance companies to offer discount auto insurance to the general populace.
All auto insurance policies are not created equally. Many policies while appearing to offer comparable coverage may in fact have exclusions written into them. It is up to the consumer to, when purchasing discount auto insurance, on line carefully evaluate the policies and check for any exclusions in the policies. This can be a difficult task for the consumer who is not well versed in auto insurance.
There are several factors that the consumer should be aware of when purchasing discount automobile insurance on line. The first and foremost is that a nationally recognized company should provide the insurance. A nationally recognized company may provide a higher quote than ABC Insurance, however the nationally recognized company may in fact provide better coverage than ABC Insurance. The coverage offered not only includes the policy but the customer service that the insurance company offers. Many small discount insurance providers have minimal customer service facilities. Claims are often handled by an extensive exchange of telephone calls, letters and or e-mail. In today's mobile society a person who lives in Georgia may have difficulty in making a claim in North Dakota when that person was there on vacation and was involved in an accident.
In today's market, prices of all goods and services seem to be rising while income appears to fail to keep up with the rising prices. When household budgets are analyzed, the one area that appears to offer the best opportunity to save money is auto insurance. Prior to purchasing discount auto insurance, the consumer must carefully analyze all of the policies offered. While on the surface they all may appear to provide the same coverage while in reality the fine print at the bottom of the policy may have significant exclusions. Prior to purchasing any discount auto insurance the consumer should carefully evaluate the company offering the insurance. This evaluation can be done through the Better Business Bureau to determine the performance of the particular company. If any doubts exist about the coverage offered, perhaps a local insurance agent or broker should be consulted. In many cases, the local agent or broker can provide discounted rates that are competitive with the discount auto insurance available on line. This comparison allows the consumer to be assured that the discount auto insurance that they are purchasing fits their particular needs.
One of the biggest questions that is involved in purchasing insurance is whether or not full coverage is required. If a vehicle is leased or has a lien on it, the lien holder will require full coverage to be maintained on the vehicle. This guarantees the lien holder that they will not suffer a loss if the vehicle is involved in an accident. If the consumer owns their vehicle free and clear, this question is problematic. Liability insurance, which is required by most states, guarantees that should the vehicle be involved in an accident any damage caused by the vehicle is paid for up to the limit of the policy. Collision insurance, which is not required, protects your vehicle when it is damaged by another vehicle. As with collision insurance, comprehensive insurance is not required but protects the vehicle from fire and theft. There are multiple other options available to the insurance purchaser and the purchaser must determine which options fit their needs in the most effective manner.
Prior to the availability of the Internet, auto insurance was purchased either from an agent or a broker. One particular company employed insurance agents while brokers represented several different companies. The agents and brokers were paid a commission for both the policies that they wrote and renewed. In theory, the insurance professionals could develop a relationship with the consumer and determine exactly what the needs were of each individual person.
If a customer was dissatisfied with either their coverage or their broker, a long and involved process needed to be undertaken to make a change. Multiple telephone calls with repetitive questions and answers needed to be made to various insurance agents. This process was both time consuming and in many cases caused frustration for the consumer. It was often difficult for the consumer to compare the coverage offered by the different companies.
The Internet provided insurance companies a vast opportunity. This opportunity was to be able to offer discount auto insurance to a larger market. This larger market provided a broader base for the insurance companies to spread the risk factor over. Additionally, in addition to spreading out the risk factor, the insurance companies, by offering coverage directly to the consumer could eliminate the need to pay commissions to agents or brokers. These two factors allowed the insurance companies to offer discount auto insurance to the general populace.
All auto insurance policies are not created equally. Many policies while appearing to offer comparable coverage may in fact have exclusions written into them. It is up to the consumer to, when purchasing discount auto insurance, on line carefully evaluate the policies and check for any exclusions in the policies. This can be a difficult task for the consumer who is not well versed in auto insurance.
There are several factors that the consumer should be aware of when purchasing discount automobile insurance on line. The first and foremost is that a nationally recognized company should provide the insurance. A nationally recognized company may provide a higher quote than ABC Insurance, however the nationally recognized company may in fact provide better coverage than ABC Insurance. The coverage offered not only includes the policy but the customer service that the insurance company offers. Many small discount insurance providers have minimal customer service facilities. Claims are often handled by an extensive exchange of telephone calls, letters and or e-mail. In today's mobile society a person who lives in Georgia may have difficulty in making a claim in North Dakota when that person was there on vacation and was involved in an accident.
In today's market, prices of all goods and services seem to be rising while income appears to fail to keep up with the rising prices. When household budgets are analyzed, the one area that appears to offer the best opportunity to save money is auto insurance. Prior to purchasing discount auto insurance, the consumer must carefully analyze all of the policies offered. While on the surface they all may appear to provide the same coverage while in reality the fine print at the bottom of the policy may have significant exclusions. Prior to purchasing any discount auto insurance the consumer should carefully evaluate the company offering the insurance. This evaluation can be done through the Better Business Bureau to determine the performance of the particular company. If any doubts exist about the coverage offered, perhaps a local insurance agent or broker should be consulted. In many cases, the local agent or broker can provide discounted rates that are competitive with the discount auto insurance available on line. This comparison allows the consumer to be assured that the discount auto insurance that they are purchasing fits their particular needs.
About the Author:
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