Make sure your car insurance is paid up, even if you are low on money. Sometimes it appears that it might not be a bad decision.When finances are tough, people may consider letting their auto insurance lapse.
Not only is it bad but it is negligent. You are setting yourself up for some serious problems. The possible penalty for getting caught is in no way worth it.
Immediate and future problems are likely to arise from this decision. Some are fortunate enough to avoid immediate encounters with the police. Perhaps you'll even steer clear of any fender benders. This doesn't mean a thing since it only takes one wrong move.
This decision has a domino effect at tag renewal time. The problems may begin when you go to buy your renewal tags for your car and don't have insurance.This is one of the things that the car insurance companies do ask about and check on.
If you lie about where your insurance currently is, it will be discovered. They are going to have a field day with you when they discover that you have no insurance.
There are groups for uninsured drivers that you will be added to.While you are in the pool you are insured but at quite a hefty cost.For at least six months you will have to pay fees that are astounding.
Maybe it won't be until then that you understand that you made a poor decision. Troubles will only escalate if you are involved in a collision. The costs of medical, repairs, and more will be your responsibility.
Your costs will extend to each person that was part of the accident. Simply being stopped by the police will be trouble enough. Verification of insurance is what they will ask you for.
If you don't have any then you face serious consequences.You will likely get a big fat fine. The result may be that your license gets revoked and you could face jail time.
Some states make use of a point system which puts additional points on your record. Additional points reflect a big jump in insurance prices.
Driving without insurance also shows that you have no financial responsibility. Maybe you believe that you don't have the money for auto insurance. Remember that the costs associated with NOT having it are a lot bigger.
Not only is it bad but it is negligent. You are setting yourself up for some serious problems. The possible penalty for getting caught is in no way worth it.
Immediate and future problems are likely to arise from this decision. Some are fortunate enough to avoid immediate encounters with the police. Perhaps you'll even steer clear of any fender benders. This doesn't mean a thing since it only takes one wrong move.
This decision has a domino effect at tag renewal time. The problems may begin when you go to buy your renewal tags for your car and don't have insurance.This is one of the things that the car insurance companies do ask about and check on.
If you lie about where your insurance currently is, it will be discovered. They are going to have a field day with you when they discover that you have no insurance.
There are groups for uninsured drivers that you will be added to.While you are in the pool you are insured but at quite a hefty cost.For at least six months you will have to pay fees that are astounding.
Maybe it won't be until then that you understand that you made a poor decision. Troubles will only escalate if you are involved in a collision. The costs of medical, repairs, and more will be your responsibility.
Your costs will extend to each person that was part of the accident. Simply being stopped by the police will be trouble enough. Verification of insurance is what they will ask you for.
If you don't have any then you face serious consequences.You will likely get a big fat fine. The result may be that your license gets revoked and you could face jail time.
Some states make use of a point system which puts additional points on your record. Additional points reflect a big jump in insurance prices.
Driving without insurance also shows that you have no financial responsibility. Maybe you believe that you don't have the money for auto insurance. Remember that the costs associated with NOT having it are a lot bigger.
About the Author:
To learn more go to Low Cost Auto Insurance and Discount Auto Insurance. Chimezirim Odimba is an insurance expert.