Insurance premiums can be expensive. But there are ways to save on insurance costs. If you own another vehicle, a home or have life insurance, the easiest way to save money on insurance costs is to purchase all of your insurance policies from a single insurance provider. This is called bundling. Many insurance providers offer big discounts on their products if you purchase more than one insurance policy. It also makes managing your insurance policies easier because you are only dealing with a single insurance provider and not multiple providers.
Another easy method of lowering your auto insurance premiums is choosing a higher deductible. Raising your deductible always saves you money, but there is a catch: You absolutely must have the funds on hand to cover your deductible if you suffer a loss.
Get quotes from more than one qualified insurance provider. They may offer you a better deal on your car insurance premiums once they find out you are checking with the competition.
If you belong to a special class, like students, senior citizens or an organization or club, check to see if the insurance provider offers discounts or deals. Drivers over 25 and women also tend to get better deals on their car insurance premiums, too.
You can save even more money on your premiums by taking driver education or defensive driving. You will have to save the certificate you get for completing the course, but when you present it you may get as much as 10 per cent off your policy for the next two year?a sizeable saving for a few hours in a class.
Where you keep your car at night also has a big impact on how you pay for your auto insurance. Drivers who live in small towns pay less than drivers who live in big cities. Drivers who live in low-risk areas pay less than drivers who live in high-risk areas. Every company rates risk differently, so ask around if you are paying extra on your policy just because of where you live.
Own a sports car? Consider trading it in. Sports cars demand higher insurance premiums for the simple reason that they are much more often crashed or stolen. But if you buy a car that is not considered high-risk, you will have a much easier time negotiating a lower rate. Contact your agent for details.
Finally, ask your provider if there are any discounts they can offer. Many providers have their own car insurance discount programs that can help you save money. Regardless of your car insurance needs, contact a qualified insurance provider. They will be able to help you find the right coverage for your car.
Another easy method of lowering your auto insurance premiums is choosing a higher deductible. Raising your deductible always saves you money, but there is a catch: You absolutely must have the funds on hand to cover your deductible if you suffer a loss.
Get quotes from more than one qualified insurance provider. They may offer you a better deal on your car insurance premiums once they find out you are checking with the competition.
If you belong to a special class, like students, senior citizens or an organization or club, check to see if the insurance provider offers discounts or deals. Drivers over 25 and women also tend to get better deals on their car insurance premiums, too.
You can save even more money on your premiums by taking driver education or defensive driving. You will have to save the certificate you get for completing the course, but when you present it you may get as much as 10 per cent off your policy for the next two year?a sizeable saving for a few hours in a class.
Where you keep your car at night also has a big impact on how you pay for your auto insurance. Drivers who live in small towns pay less than drivers who live in big cities. Drivers who live in low-risk areas pay less than drivers who live in high-risk areas. Every company rates risk differently, so ask around if you are paying extra on your policy just because of where you live.
Own a sports car? Consider trading it in. Sports cars demand higher insurance premiums for the simple reason that they are much more often crashed or stolen. But if you buy a car that is not considered high-risk, you will have a much easier time negotiating a lower rate. Contact your agent for details.
Finally, ask your provider if there are any discounts they can offer. Many providers have their own car insurance discount programs that can help you save money. Regardless of your car insurance needs, contact a qualified insurance provider. They will be able to help you find the right coverage for your car.
About the Author:
Tom Martens is the content syndication coordinator for South Arica?s leading car insurance portal.