Many people question the real value of having an extended warranty on their car. They often underestimate the cost of vehicle repairs and think that the manufacturer's warranty is more than adequate. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The sad reality is that motor vehicles are incredibly complicated. With all the moving parts and environmental factors, the only guarantee is that you car will need repairs at some stage. If you unsure as to whether an extended warranty is really worth your while, here are some factors to keep in mind.
Manufacturers Know the Limitations of the Vehicle. Do You?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there is a reason why manufacturers and car dealers only provide a limited guarantee. Manufacturers know the effect that general use has on the vehicle and that over time wear and tear will occur, even if you are diligent about looking after your car. Most often, expensive repairs are needed after the manufacturer's warranty expires. For this reason, an extended warranty can be very valuable.
Can You Afford the Cost of Repairs and Maintenance if You Don't Have a warranty?
Motor vehicles need to be serviced regularly to ensure they are in good running order. Sometimes these services can be routine and relatively inexpensive. At other times, services can involve major repairs which can get pricey. If you have a savings account with money set aside for such eventualities, perhaps you will not benefit from an extended warranty. But the reality is that if you have a savings account, the chances are that you would far rather spend the money on a vacation or purchasing something special for yourself. Spending savings on repairs can be very demoralizing.
What Sort of Mileage Do You Put on Your Car?
If you only use your vehicle occasionally, the chances are that there will be less wear and tear on your car. If it is securely parked in a garage, then it is less exposed to various environmental elements. If, on the other hand, you spend a lot of time of the road and clock up a lot of mileage, chances are that your vehicle will need a service and repairs more often. In that case, it makes sense to take out an extended warranty.
How Expensive Are Services and Replacement Parts for Your Car?
Often, the replacement parts for luxury and imported cars are very expensive. If you do not have an extended warranty and the manufacturer's warranty lapses, you may find yourself in for a nasty surprise. Repairs could run into the thousands of dollars and if you don't have the cash readily available, you could be without a car for some time. When purchasing a car and considering an extended warranty, this is an important factor to keep in mind.
Can You Afford to Be Without Your Car?
Consider how your life would be affected if you didn't have a car for several weeks. Most people would find traveling by public transportation frustrating, when they are used to having their own mode of transport. Think about this; if you don't have an extended warranty and your car breaks down, can you afford to be without it while you save up for the repairs?
Do You Need Roadside Assistance?
If your car breaks down on the side of the road, are you confident enough in your ability to be able to handle the situation? Perhaps you can change a tire but what if it is something more complicated than that? Most extended warranties will offer roadside assistance which includes towing if they can't get your vehicle going again. This can be a very valuable benefit.
How Long Do You Plan to Keep Your Car?
Some people only purchase and drive relatively new cars. Once the car is paid off or the warranty expires, they usually trade in their car for a newer model. Even if this is the case, keep in mind that an extended warranty can increase the resale value of your car. A buyer who know there is a maintenance plan will be more willing to pay your asking price.
When Is the Best Time to Purchase Your Extended Warranty?
Most people think that they only need to purchase an extended warranty when their manufacturer's warranty expires. This is because it is often perceived that an extended warranty is an additional insurance policy. In reality, an extended warranty is as the name implies. It is an extension on your existing warranty. Because of this you will benefit from more affordable rates if you purchase your warranty earlier rather than later. Warranties that have already expired or are about to expire will be more expensive than warranties that still have a year or two on them.
Manufacturers Know the Limitations of the Vehicle. Do You?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there is a reason why manufacturers and car dealers only provide a limited guarantee. Manufacturers know the effect that general use has on the vehicle and that over time wear and tear will occur, even if you are diligent about looking after your car. Most often, expensive repairs are needed after the manufacturer's warranty expires. For this reason, an extended warranty can be very valuable.
Can You Afford the Cost of Repairs and Maintenance if You Don't Have a warranty?
Motor vehicles need to be serviced regularly to ensure they are in good running order. Sometimes these services can be routine and relatively inexpensive. At other times, services can involve major repairs which can get pricey. If you have a savings account with money set aside for such eventualities, perhaps you will not benefit from an extended warranty. But the reality is that if you have a savings account, the chances are that you would far rather spend the money on a vacation or purchasing something special for yourself. Spending savings on repairs can be very demoralizing.
What Sort of Mileage Do You Put on Your Car?
If you only use your vehicle occasionally, the chances are that there will be less wear and tear on your car. If it is securely parked in a garage, then it is less exposed to various environmental elements. If, on the other hand, you spend a lot of time of the road and clock up a lot of mileage, chances are that your vehicle will need a service and repairs more often. In that case, it makes sense to take out an extended warranty.
How Expensive Are Services and Replacement Parts for Your Car?
Often, the replacement parts for luxury and imported cars are very expensive. If you do not have an extended warranty and the manufacturer's warranty lapses, you may find yourself in for a nasty surprise. Repairs could run into the thousands of dollars and if you don't have the cash readily available, you could be without a car for some time. When purchasing a car and considering an extended warranty, this is an important factor to keep in mind.
Can You Afford to Be Without Your Car?
Consider how your life would be affected if you didn't have a car for several weeks. Most people would find traveling by public transportation frustrating, when they are used to having their own mode of transport. Think about this; if you don't have an extended warranty and your car breaks down, can you afford to be without it while you save up for the repairs?
Do You Need Roadside Assistance?
If your car breaks down on the side of the road, are you confident enough in your ability to be able to handle the situation? Perhaps you can change a tire but what if it is something more complicated than that? Most extended warranties will offer roadside assistance which includes towing if they can't get your vehicle going again. This can be a very valuable benefit.
How Long Do You Plan to Keep Your Car?
Some people only purchase and drive relatively new cars. Once the car is paid off or the warranty expires, they usually trade in their car for a newer model. Even if this is the case, keep in mind that an extended warranty can increase the resale value of your car. A buyer who know there is a maintenance plan will be more willing to pay your asking price.
When Is the Best Time to Purchase Your Extended Warranty?
Most people think that they only need to purchase an extended warranty when their manufacturer's warranty expires. This is because it is often perceived that an extended warranty is an additional insurance policy. In reality, an extended warranty is as the name implies. It is an extension on your existing warranty. Because of this you will benefit from more affordable rates if you purchase your warranty earlier rather than later. Warranties that have already expired or are about to expire will be more expensive than warranties that still have a year or two on them.