There are several car insurance companies offering budget car insurance policies. They use tactics like low monthly payments and low deductibles to lure us in. We all want to save money on car insurance but at what cost to our protection? The coverage that is offered with these policies is usually insufficient and will leave you holding most of the responsibility if not all for the cost involved in the accident.
Most of the insurance companies that are offering budget car insurance will only supply you with the legal amount required by your state. This coverage amount usually involved the insured being the one who foots the bill for repairs in the event of an accident.
Liability insurance offers little protection to you in the event of an accident. If you are at fault you will be responsible for any damages that your vehicle suffered as well as your own medical costs if any. Your coverage may not be enough to cover repairs to the other vehicle or to cover the medical costs from their injuries. This means that you will be financially responsible for any of this excess and risk losing your home, savings or any assets you might own.
If your vehicle is damaged due to hail or high winds or even vandalism the insurance coverage will not cover the costs. This damage may not be your fault but the insurance does not cover it. This holds true as well if you are at fault for an accident that does not involve another vehicle. If you hit a guardrail or take down a tree you will not only be required to pay for your vehicles repairs but for any damages you caused during the accident.
One of the real fears is being hit by someone who has not enough insurance or no insurance at all. You will not be protected by these motorists and if you are involved in an accident even if it is their fault you could still be liable for most or all of the repairs to your vehicle as well as the injuries you or your passengers might have suffered.
If you vehicle is stolen you will receive no coverage for your loss. In most cases you will never recover the vehicle and replacing it will be your responsibility. If you are able to recover the vehicle you will be responsible for the repairs from any damage it may have suffered.
The low deductibles you were promised are simply a scam. There is no claim that would even require you to pay a deductible since you would be paying the entire amount for any and all damaged your vehicle faces. The low deductible amount is just a tactic used to make you think you are getting a great deal when you actually are receiving nothing for your money.
It is illegal to drive without insurance and the budget car insurance offered by many companies id designed only to keep you legal. There is no real protection to your property or your assets and the money you are spending is a waste.
Most of the insurance companies that are offering budget car insurance will only supply you with the legal amount required by your state. This coverage amount usually involved the insured being the one who foots the bill for repairs in the event of an accident.
Liability insurance offers little protection to you in the event of an accident. If you are at fault you will be responsible for any damages that your vehicle suffered as well as your own medical costs if any. Your coverage may not be enough to cover repairs to the other vehicle or to cover the medical costs from their injuries. This means that you will be financially responsible for any of this excess and risk losing your home, savings or any assets you might own.
If your vehicle is damaged due to hail or high winds or even vandalism the insurance coverage will not cover the costs. This damage may not be your fault but the insurance does not cover it. This holds true as well if you are at fault for an accident that does not involve another vehicle. If you hit a guardrail or take down a tree you will not only be required to pay for your vehicles repairs but for any damages you caused during the accident.
One of the real fears is being hit by someone who has not enough insurance or no insurance at all. You will not be protected by these motorists and if you are involved in an accident even if it is their fault you could still be liable for most or all of the repairs to your vehicle as well as the injuries you or your passengers might have suffered.
If you vehicle is stolen you will receive no coverage for your loss. In most cases you will never recover the vehicle and replacing it will be your responsibility. If you are able to recover the vehicle you will be responsible for the repairs from any damage it may have suffered.
The low deductibles you were promised are simply a scam. There is no claim that would even require you to pay a deductible since you would be paying the entire amount for any and all damaged your vehicle faces. The low deductible amount is just a tactic used to make you think you are getting a great deal when you actually are receiving nothing for your money.
It is illegal to drive without insurance and the budget car insurance offered by many companies id designed only to keep you legal. There is no real protection to your property or your assets and the money you are spending is a waste.
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