Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vehicle Insurance Rate -- Steps To Qualify For The Cheapest

By Chimezirim Odimba

You'll attract lower rates if you opt to pay your premiums yearly and not monthly. True, paying monthly might be less stressful but it is also costly.

If you do transactions with banks you'll agree with me that each check you process is regarded as transaction which attracts charges. All through a year, your monthly checks would be processed differently because they are all different transactions. This means that you will pay transaction fees 12 times..

Apart from this there are also administrative costs that come with the monthly payment option. For example, it monetrily involed to send payment notices monthly.

These and more are then included in your rate thus making it more than if you paid every year.

Insurers give give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness. Depending on the insurer, you'll be eligible for a discount of 5% once you've stayed with them for between three and five years.

Furthermore, if a long term policy holder files just one claim, most insurers will NOT raise their rates thereafter. These are all incentives for you to stay with them for as long as possible.

But it will only be right for me to also point out that in spite of these incentives, you might actually gain more if you switch to another insurer.

If you want to keep your rates down, do NOT "pimp your ride." If you want to impress your friends with those extra special features like bigger types than the manufacturer's specification, then be prepared to pay a lot more. Any changes to your vehicle takes your rates up.

Young drivers are statistically very bad risks. More so, the younger an under-25 driver, the more they'd have to pay. That is why teenagers pay a lot more than 22-year olds.

This means that you'll help keep your rates down if you do NOT have a teen driver on your policy. It will drive it up by a huge margin. Your teen driver should have his/her own policy. This will be made possible if you sign an exclusion form.

It's a fair price for them to pay to enjoy the adult privilege of driving. Teens who pay for their own auto insurance are more willing to take steps to bring it down. This by extension means that such a teen driver will be more responsible behind wheels since they bear the full cost of their actions.

Your might be paying a lot more than you should because of some really unnecessary add-ons like towing. Have you checked to see if your credit card doesn't already offer this as added value?

Even if yours does NOT add this kind of service, a dedicated towing service from a third party will serve you better and save you more than adding towing to your auto insurance policy.


You can get savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from quote sites. The best method is to visit a minimum of five sites and ensuring that you give the same (correct) information about yourself.

I recommend that you use a minimum of five quotes sites since it will ensure you do not miss out better quotes not given by the other sites. This gives you a broader basis for doing more extensive comparisons thereby increasing your chances of getting more for less.

About the Author:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Young Driver Car Insurance

By Vincent Harper

Young drivers have always been at a disadvantage when applying for motor car insurance. Car insurance companies rate young drivers as high risk due to several reasons. If young drivers cannot prove their capacity to driver safely, creditworthiness, and the safety of their car, then there is a good chance that they will be rated as high risk by any car insurance companies.

Young drivers are rated as high risk due to several reasons. One, car insurance companies do not have any basis to determine if a young driver is responsible enough to carry his or her own vehicle. The lack of a long driving record forces car insurers to rate young drivers as high risk.

Young drivers are also involved in more car collisions and accidents, making them more high risk compared to other older drivers. Statistics from all states reveal that more young drivers aged 25 and below have been involved in more car accidents compared to other drivers of older age brackets. Since they are involved in a lot of car accidents, young drivers tend to get high risk rating from almost all car insurers.

Young drivers can qualify for cheap auto insurance if they enroll in a good defensive driving school. Enrolling in a driving school vouches for the ability of young drivers to drive carefully and responsibly. It also helps them negate the fact that they don't have a lengthy driving record.

Young drivers may also get a better shot at cheap auto insurance if they are credit worthy. Car insurance companies give generous discounts to young drivers who have a good credit rating because it assures them that these drivers can pay their auto insurance premiums on time.

Driving a safe car is also crucial if young drivers want to get cheap auto insurance. Adding security devices like alarm, brake, and security systems will make any young drivers' vehicle look more secure, and thus qualified for cheap auto insurance.

Young drivers need not pay a lot of their auto insurance. They should just remember the simple tips mentioned above so they can have a better chance of availing of cheap auto insurance.

About the Author:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ways to Choose Car Liability Insurance

By Aelara

Everyone who owns a vehicle and is a reliable person realizes that a car liability insurance policy is a requirement, and also essential by law.

Many of insurance companies advertise on TV. What should you know when choosing an insurance company? Seeing all the ads on TV, has one popped out at you? If that's the case, ring them and talk to one of their agents.

Inquire if they have an insurance plan more characteristic to your needs. Be sure to have all the information you will need in front of you. Once you get the quote from the agent, say thank you for your time and information but you are still awaiting quotes from a couple of other companies.

It is always good not to be rushed when choosing car insurance, look around some and don't jump for the first proposal they give you. Remember that all insurance companies are in competition, and all want your business so no quick decisions! One of those companies just might surprise you and give you a lowered rate compared to your first quote.

Another course of choosing a car insurance company is to take a gaze through your local phone book.

Many admirable insurance companies advertise in the yellow pages providing names and addresses to those agencies. These agencies could help favor you if stationed close to home, making for a better customer relationship with your agent.

Car insurance companies also have internet sites and tips all over the World Wide Web. Almost everybody now has access to a computer. Look up some insurance agencies' web sites and see if any of them profit you.

There are some web sites out there that actually examine car insurance rates, and will give you a list of the most competitive companies out there, usually beginning with the most affordable ones.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Auto Insurance -- Save More; Get The Right Coverage

By Chimezirim Odimba

A good number of companies offer a retiree discount. Retired people don't have to drive to work every day. A person's total mileage is a strong factor that determines how much you pay in premiums.

This discount is certainly not one any retired person should overlook. Get your insurer's position on this from your agent. If for any reason they don't have a discount like this, remember to tell your agent about your change in mileage. Unless the change in your mileage isn't significant, you should shop for another insurer if you don't get a decent discount.

Your rate is seriously affected by your total mileage. Therefore do all within your power to NOT drive your car whenever there is a good alternative. This certainly makes sense if you live in an urban area where you have access to standard mass transit systems.

Another great option for those who want to reduce their mileage is carpooling.

Never leave your car unlocked and running while you dash in to get something. This simple act makes it very easy for thieves. Car thieves are known to go for easy targets. It certainly doesn't get easier for a thief than an unlocked car with a running engine.

Do your best to always ensure your policy never lapses.It will make you pay expensive rates for a considerable length of time. It's easy for this to happen to some individuals while they are switching to another insurance provider.

To avoid this, make sure that the new policy is fully in place before you terminate the previous one. It appear to be simple but, believe it or not, many individuals are paying higher rates today simply because they were negligent in this.

You'll be given lower premiums if you make your payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This authorizes your insurance provider to automatically withdraw your payments from your account when due. This saves the insurance company in many ways such as eliminating the cost of mailing payment notices and the expense of processing checks. Your rate is therefore lowered to reflect the cheaper cost of giving you insurance.

Do your best to always drive carefully. You'll be making a good resolution to stay away from the wheels if you take alcohol.

Driving while drunk, howbeit slightly, will make you pay very expensive rates if you're lucky or be forced to stay without car insurance if you're not so lucky. And don't overlook little things like speeding tickets because they cost you far more than what you pay as fines. They eventually raise your rate. So, if it's a violation of traffic laws, avoid it no matter how negligible it may seem at the moment.

.Do your best to install theft-deterrent devices in your car. They usually get you an anti-theft discount for the simple reason that they make it less likely that you car will be stolen. Cars without such devices are easy targets for thieving rats.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What to do in a write off car insurance situation

By David Victorino

Once you met with an accident, the insurance company looks at vehicle and determines whether to declare write off or repair and get on road. The insurer will want to look at a vehicle by them or heir a private mechanic team to inspect the vehicle. The mechanic team sends the estimate to the insurance company about how much cost is required to get vehicle on road. As the insurance company write off about million cars annually, based on the estimate, the insurance company decide whether the vehicle should be write off or to get on road.

But what is really cancel? When a vehicle met with an accident and completely destroyed and it is too expensive to solve the problem and the performance of the road is called depreciation. Usually, when the vehicle is depreciated the cost of repairs exceeds the value of the vehicle.

However, when there is extensive damage to car, the insurance company wants to inspect the car by themselves to decide the write off. This is because to avoid the conflict between the mechanic team and insurance company. Generally the mechanic team vests their interest in fix the problem and gets them on road which is waste of amount to insurance company. One common factor, upon which the insurer decides to write off, is if the cost of repairs exceeds the value of the car. This is very complex calculation than it appears because this calculation needs to take into account several factors before determining.

The state law and the insurance company determine that total loss. If they believe that the repair cost reaches the 80% of the value. When the vehicle is being estimated for write off, the adjuster will take into account the scrap value or salvage value. The car insurance companies will take into account the scrap value while estimating the write off. Let say, the settlement value in the state is $2700 and the scrap value is $800 then the $1900 must be compared against the repair cost.

But how the scrap value is determined? When the car is being estimated for scrap value the individual will look at the condition of the vehicle like what additional equipment it posses, how clean it is, your mileage etc. before coming to final evaluation of the vehicle.

Type of the policy you have for the car which is damaged determines whether the vehicle needs to be write off or not. Storage charges: normally, the car which met with an accident has to be stored or park in an area. Many garages normally charge high rates to written off vehicles. In order to avoid such cost, it always advisable to declare write off and dispose them at scrap yard. Hire charges: normally, if you policy covers rental car, then the cost to rent can effect the decision because they prove to be higher cost to the insurer. Taking into consideration all the above mentioned factors, the insurance company will declare the car write off if the repair cost plus the incidental charges like rental, parking, and storage charges exceed the actual cash value of the car.

Taking into consideration all the above mentioned factors, the insurance company will declare the car write off if the repair cost plus the incidental charges like rental, parking, and storage charges exceed the actual cash value of the car.

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Auto Insurance -- Ways To Get It Cheap

By Chimezirim Odimba

Insurers give give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness. Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.

The accident forgiveness discount means that your insurer will not raise your rates if you file just one claim. It makes sense for the insurer as it is cheaper to give discounts to existing policy holders than to acquire new ones.

But it will only be right for me to also point out that in spite of these incentives, you might actually gain more if you switch to another insurer.

Don't make the mistake of parking your car in places where it won't be safe. .By safe I mean places where the risks of theft, vandalism or accidental damage are very low. I hope you also know that you'll pay less if you have a garage for your car.

Also make sure that your car is always parked in a well-lit area. It's certainly not a good idea to leave your car in the open street all through the night.

Being part of associations, especially the big ones, will get you discounts on your auto insurance. They stand to get many prospects easily if an association decides to adopt them as their insurer. Even though you may not necessarily join an association because you want a group auto insurance discount, it makes sense to take advantage of it if it's offered to any association you already belong to.

One good way to make sure you get more affordable rates is being careful always while driving. Please, ensure that you make it a policy not to drive if you so much as sip any alcoholic beverage.

Traffic offences that are related to having more than the permissible level of alcohol in your blood will make you get very high rates. While alcohol-related traffic offences have very immediate and grave repercussions, speeding tickets will also affect your rates negatively if they pile up. You'll do yourself a world of good if you obey all traffic laws at all times.

If you live in an urban area do your best to use the public transport system as much as possible. The less you use your car, the lower your mileage will be. And since mileage is a strong factor that determines your premium, you'll attract more affordable rates. The rule should be: Use your car only when you do not have a more cost-effective alternative.


You will save much if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from several insurance quotes sites. The lowest quote should be what you pick easily.

But, you have to go beyond just the cheapest quote to the best price/value. The cheapest may not be the best price/value for you as an individual.

About the Author:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Auto Insurance Online

Obtaining your auto insurance online will help you save far more if you take out around 25 minutes to obtain quotes from a minimum of 5 quotes sites.

As a requirement of the law, everyone must carry no fault auto insurance as a minimum. There is a lot of information on this topic available on the Web.

Many sites contain an abundant amount of information that will not only help you with finding an insurance company but it will guide you to all of the various things that affect your rates. No fault insurance is very widespread in the US.

If you carry no-fault insurance your family will have such benefits as unlimited medical, wage loss benefits and a set amount of money per day for replacement services. The alternate assistance can carry on for the long term if somebody is injured, in spite of responsibility.

There is quite a bit of money to be saved if one is prepared and can identify with the agent. Inquire about lowering your payment if you raise any deductibles.

One more article you may possibly pose is if you will save money provided your driving record is clean and you add various safety devices to your car. There are other publications you can refer to for additional premiums saving ideas.

Following are calculations used to come up with your auto insurance premiums, make of your car, your residence, the amount of miles that you drive, how old you are, if you are male or female, if you are single or not and driving proof. For the most part, insurance companies now include your past credit when computing your premiums.

Often, a credit history will assist in forecasting potential claims. The most important item to keep in mind while shopping for auto insurance is the diverse charges that various companies suggest. In conclusion, most likely the main issue that needs to be taken into concern is the kind of automobile you want to insure and how old those drivers are.

Visit a minimum of five insurance quotes sites. Using not less than five quotes sites raise the chances that you would obtain better auto insurance quotes. This is because insurers not represented by one site will be represented by another.

And, you know that because your chances of getting lower auto insurance quotes is tied to the number of quotes you get, the more companies you obtain quotes from, the brighter your chances will be.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Save Money on Seattle Auto Insurance throughout a Recession

By Steve Turner

Seattle auto insurance customers may be worried that their premiums may rise in the recession. Shopping around for economical coverage and conserving money is an option that many drivers are considering at this time.

Auto insurance providers think about saving money throughout a recession just like people do. As their investments lose money they may distribute these losses along to their customers as a premium raise. Throughout a recession insurance fraud rises and insurance providers can distribute these costs along as well.

If you have seen a raise in your premium lately, do some comparison shopping to see if you can locate a lower rate. Different companies will have varying premiums so changing could be valuable for you. Get quotes from at least three different companies to make certain that you are getting the lowest rate.

In a recession some drivers might consider cutting their insurance coverage to save money on their premiums. It is imperative now that you have the financial security and peace of mind that insurance coverage offers.

There are things you can do to decrease your insurance premiums. Raising your deductible is one way to decrease your premium. But make sure you do not increase it so high that in an accident you may not be able to come up with the finances needed.

A low mileage discount is offered by some insurance providers. Consider taking public transportation or car pooling to make the most of this discount. Ask what discounts are offered when talking with your current provider and calling to get quotes.

Do research on the insurance providers that give you an acceptable quote before buying your insurance policy. Make sure that they are financially strong and check if there are any complaints filed with Seattle's department of insurance.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Online Quotes for Kentucky Auto Insurance

By Steve Turner

All drivers in the state want to save money on their Kentucky Auto Insurance policy. Do research to ensure that you have the proper coverage and an affordable price.

When you are looking for coverage the internet is a great place to start. Before you begin, it is important that you are only looking at companies that have a reputable reputation.

All drivers want a financial stable insurance provider. It is important to know that if you do find yourself in an accident and need to file a claim that your provider will be able to easily take care of their financial responsibility.

Make certain that the insurance provider you are considering purchasing a policy from can actually write a policy for this state. Not all providers will be authorized to write policies for Kentucky.

Checking customer ratings for the insurance companies that you are thinking about purchasing from is a great idea. These well help you to know how quickly that they process a claim.

The background and financial standing of the insurance provider whom which you purchase your policy are great factors. Make sure that you only purchase from a reputable provider that has financial security and will be able to pay out for claims when needed. Online information is an easy way to find these things out.

It is recommended that you take the time to obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers. By doing so you can make sure that you are able to select the policy that has the best coverage and cheapest price.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Look into Online Auto Insurance

By Calvin Wapasa

The cost of a auto policy continues to increase so most automobile owners are looking to lower this annual financial outlay, It is surprising just how much money you can save by knowing this information. There are many different sorts of coverage to select from depending on what you want covered and what you can afford. Auto insurance policies are made up of many parts reflected in the sort of accidents that happen including:

Theft of vehicle Uninsured driver Injury to a passenger or pedestrian

Prior to the advent of on-line insurance websites, trying to get a quote could be a lengthy process. All this has changed with web sites that can carry out the comparison for you. This is in all probability the easiest way to find a policy within your price range, within just a few minutes all the information you require is ready for you. Searching on-line could save you a huge sum of money and a significant amount of time in the process. Most people now carry out their finances on-line because it is so simple and convenient.

The premium each individual pays will be calculated using various aspects, personal to their position, this almost always includes info on the following:

The address where the vehicle is parked and whether the vehicle is garaged or not.

However, you can be sure that if you live in the city, your auto insurance premium will be higher than someone who lives in a suburban areas or out the the country, There is a greater risk of a claim being submitted from somebody living in the city to a rural area. Fortunately it is possible to pay your rates these days using monthly installments. When you are searching for free insurance quotations, ensure you leave plenty of time before you do this and not just as the current policy expires.

There are a number of individuals that drive expensive cars that have high rates costs and a comprehensive policy might be out of the question thus a basic policy might be needed. Comprehensive cover will pay for medical bills etc. even if the accident was not your faulty, something that basic insurance will not do. Insurance cover with this type of policy also extends to the driver and passengers of both vehicles providing they are not related by blood to the driver that caused the accident.

When your old auto insurance plan is about to run out is recognized to be the best time to change insurers. Still, you would be wise to have your new insurer confirm your acceptance before you burn your bridges with your existing insurance provider. You would also be wise to check and see if you can lower your insurance premium further by combining your householder and car policies with the same insurance firm as many give discounts for this. Not enough drivers spend time researching the costs of their automobile insurance once they have found a provider they like but you need to keep an eye on where savings to this regular outgoing can be made.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Seattle Auto Insurance Features

By Steve Turner

When looking for Seattle Auto Insurance coverage it is helpful for you to understand the factors available to help reduce the insurance costs. Understanding how the premiums are calculated can help you to get the best coverage for the lowest price. You may need to do some research to be able to find the best rates.

Searching through the internet and looking for group discounts are possible ways to find savings on your auto insurance coverage. But these are not the only ways.

Your insurance provider will place a lot of weight on the make and model of vehicle you drive. Every year they will create a list of vehicles with their associated risk rate and premium. Try to drive a car that is considered to be a low risk.

Usually the cheaper the car the more affordable the insurance coverage will be. This is because in an accident more expensive cars will be more costly to repair. Larger vehicles may be given lower premiums because in an accident they will receive less damage than small vehicles.

Raising your deductible will also lower your premium. Safety features such as seat belts and air bags will reduce your rates because of the security they give to you and your passengers.

Living in a safe or crime free neighborhood will lower your premium. As will having an alarm system or closed garage because all of these will create a lower risk of theft for your vehicle.

Drive your car only to and from work and on occasional shopping trips. The average driver uses their vehicle for 12,000 miles a year. Driving over this average will result in the insurance providers to charge you a higher premium.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Be Careful with your Car Insurance Quotes

By Lynne Addington

Here are a few tips that we have compiled that will help people looking for car insurance quotes during these deflationary and recessionary times.

The most important tip that we can provide is to be willing to shop around for the car insurance quote. Car insurance is one of those products where the price can vary greatly between one provider to the next. Most of the time the variance between the insurer that provides the cheapest quote to the insurer with the costliest quote can be as much as 50%. It is thus very important to look around and compare car insurance quotes from different providers very carefully before signing up.

It is important to note that the cheapest insurer might not be the best choice for you. You also have to conduct a brief research into the performance of the insurer. There is no point in buying insurance from a company that has a history of terrible pay-outs.

Another tip is to be 100% sure what you are getting with the car insurance plan from the different insurance quotes that you receive from insurance vendors. Although all may have similar product names like comprehensive, what they insure can be substantially different. Check the price and check the coverage as price has almost no correlation with what the insurance company will cover you for.

If you want to lower your yearly insurance premiums then a smart way will be to increase the excess. This means that you will need to pay a little bit more if you should ever need to call on your insurance at a later date. The increase in excess will allow the insurer to give you a discount anywhere from 5-20% off you premium. The only problem is that you must always have enough money tucked in your bank account to provide fro the excess should the need arise.

If you find that making a one time a year payment is a bit heavy then you can always request to have your payments staggered for every month instead. Most insurers wont have a problem with this and would actually welcome it. The only downside is that the actual amount that you pay per-year might be slightly more but the ease of budgeting that this allows is often more than worth it.

This also extends to other insurance products or even your monthly or yearly payables. If you want to keep your budgeting easy then it only makes sense that you have all your payables on different months. Never have everything payable in one month. That is just going to make you extremely stressed and isnt wise budgeting.

Another thing that we find to be extremely important in getting the right car insurance quotes for your needs are to be extremely picky and be very specific with what you tell your insurance providers for a quote. You should be very specific with what separate coverage plans that you want and which items you dont need. Most people simply pick a package and stick with it even if they have coverage for items they dont need. On the other hand if you are very detailed in your approach then you can save as much as 50% o your policy by removing items you dont need.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breakdown cover is so essential for drivers. Just guess what could occur if your vehicle broke down and you weren't insured?

By Libby C Pope

A lot of people have breakdown cover and it's probably one of the most essential things to think about if you're a driver because should the worst happen you'll be protected. There are many different kinds of breakdown cover available but the most common is probably roadside assistance which will ensure your car stays on the road.

Cutting down on costs by not buying breakdown cover is very dangerous - it isn't expensive and it can really save you money if something does go wrong. You shouldn't have a problem finding a breakdown cover supplier that'll keep you protected while you're on the road - breakdown cover is easy to find.

Most major banks offer breakdown cover as an additional feature of their bank accounts so you should look into whether your bank has something to offer. Breakdown cover is a very important thing to think about because it can be a real nightmare if you breakdown and don't have the appropriate protection.

You'll need to find breakdown cover that's right for your needs so make sure that you do some research because it comes in various shapes and sizes.You should be able to choose from a large range of breakdown cover options including Euro cover which covers you if you're away driving on holiday in Europe.

You could get a better deal than AA, RAC or Greenflag if you do some research and shop around. Breakdown cover is available from a wide range of companies. A lot of breakdown cover companies make their policies sound amazing until you read the small print. Make sure you look into your policy before you buy.

Breakdown cover isn't complicated and you should find it easy to get a deal which is right for your needs and the budget you have. The first thing you'll need to think about is what sort of protection and cover you need from your breakdown cover policy.

Breakdown cover isn't as expensive as you might think it will be but you will still need to think about a budget to make sure you can afford it. Breakdown cover usually costs about 35 GBP per year for a basic package so if you want extras you'll need to budget for these.

Breakdown cover that includes just about everything will set you back about 100 GBP per year so if that's what you want make sure you can afford it. Breakdown cover deals are always available so you shouldn't find it hard to get yourself a great deal from some of the major companies.

It can be very expensive to get your car fixed or towed away if you don't have breakdown cover so make sure that you realise how important it is. You should definitely consider roadside assistant with your breakdown cover because it can be really hard to get your car sorted if you do breakdown without cover.

Most breakdown cover companies make their services easy to understand so you shouldn't have a problem even if you've never bought breakdown cover before. Breakdown cover is usually an annual payment which is ideal because you can simply make the payment and then relax for the year knowing you're covered.

You should always have breakdown cover because it's a case of being safe rather than sorry and you'll won't regret it if the worst should happen. You shouldn't have a problem getting the cover you need for your car and your family because breakdown cover is so simple to find and buy.

Overall, breakdown cover is an essential purchase for all drivers and you should definitely consider what might happen if you weren't covered. Breakdown cover is available from a wide variety of places but you should do some research to make sure you get yourself the best deal possible.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Auto Insurance Instant Online Quote

By Irene Mmari

It doesn't matter if you have just passed your exam or you are a seasoned driver, ensuring you don't pay more than you need to for your automobile insurance is important as the cost of owning a automobile continue to rise, Big savings can be made if you know what to look for. Ultimately, despite the variety of plans available, everything revolves around how much you have available to spend. Some of the components of car insurance are:

Damage to possessions or another vehicle Uninsured driver Collision coverage

Getting an insurers to supply you with a realistic quote was once hard work but the net has made things much simpler. As Luck Would Have It those days are past because now it is just a simple matter of using an on-line comparison internet site without leaving your house. This is probably the easiest way to find a insurance policy within your price range, within just a few minutes all the info you require is ready for you. Searching on-line could save you a huge sum of money and a hefty sum of time in the process.Most people now carry out their finances on-line because it is so simple and convenient.

To make matters worse, the price can be based on many different aspects, The main points however, are listed below:

Where you live Is there an alarm system fitted? The price of parts used for replacement and labor times to carry out repairs. How much power the car has.

One thing that doesn't change is just how much your auto insurance rates will rise if you do not live in a rural area, The number of claims made increases enormously when a person lives in a city from accidents, theft and damage. While this does add to your yearly expenses, you can normally cover the cost of the insurance premiums with handy monthly payments. If your insurance is up for renewal you are advised to get the quotation arranged in advance of the old plan expiring.

For those people that drive high risk sports vehicles, comprehensive coverage may be too expensive thus looking at a more basic insurance policy might be worth while. The advantage of having a comprehensive plan is the insurer will pay for any medical examination bills and time lost from work even if the accident was their faulty. Insurances like this will protect all passengers involved in an accident as long as they are not blood relations.

Switching to a new motorcar insurance company is best done when the old insurance policy is about to expire and not during the course of the policy. Never rely on the fact that because you have applied for a policy that it will be accepted and cancel an existing policy before this confirmation is received. Many insurers will now accept multiple policies so you can have your car and household guarded at a discounted rate. Although a great deal depends on individual circumstances, almost everyone can lower the price of their automobile insurance if they just spend some time researching their options.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Cheap Auto Insurances

By Candy Jameson

It has been said that if you want cheaper car insurance, you need to invest your time and energy. That is true and once you focus yourself on finding cheap car insurance and in some way you found it, the long term savings that it's going to bring is fulfilling.

So what should be important when looking for cheap car insurance? You need to focus on three things, the cost, the reliability and the coverage. I will explain it below.

Cost is the most important factor when looking for auto insurances. When it comes to finding a cheap car insurance provider, the internet can help a lot. There are a lot of car insurance websites that offers free quotes and other websites provides quotes from different car insurance company. These websites that offers free quote is your tool to finding that cheap car insurance premiums. Remember, always compare. The more quotes you can gather, the more of them you can compare and before you know it the most cheapest premium is right in front of your eye.

Once you manage to find a cheap car insurance provider, you need to check its reliability. You don't have to enter into the hassle of receiving claims, check the car insurance companies financial standing first. Better yet, visit websites or the department of insurance to see if there are complaints about your selected car insurance company. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

There are many kinds of coverage a car insurance company can offer. But the truth is, you don't need all of them. It is important that you only purchase the necessary coverage. Purchasing only the needed coverage can reduce your premiums big time. For example, why would you purchase medical payment coverage if you already have health insurance? In other words, why pay double? Always have a thorough review on what coverage you are getting because there will be cases that you might be paying for an unneeded or coverage you already have.

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Car Insurance is Not an Option for Drivers in Canada

By A Nutt

No matter where you are driving in Canada, the law requires that every driver has car insurance. Automobile insurance is mandatory in all provinces and territories. Your vehicle must be covered under an insurance policy with a minimum set coverage, If you are caught driving without insurance you can be fined, have your drivers license suspended, and even have your vehicle towed and impounded. Fines can range from $5000 to $50,000.

If you are in an accident while driving without insurance, you could face a number of consequences that include:

If another person is injured or there is a loss of life and you are at fault, you could be liable for all vehicle damages, medical costs, and other losses You will not be entitled to receive compensation for your own injuries and damage to your vehicle, as well as other losses such as income. You may be prohibited from filing a claim against another driver if they are at fault.

If convicted of driving without insurance, your insurance company could label you as a high risk driver and increase your premiums. They could also cancel your policy.

There are a number of factors that determine the amount you will pay for insurance. They include:

New Driver: New drivers do not have a driving history so companies normally rate them as high risk. Insurance premiums will likely be expensive until you have established a good driving record.

Driving Record: Your driving record will affect your insurance premium. Insurance companies look at how long you have been driving and the number of convictions you have acquired. Convictions can include speeding tickets, car accidents, and traffic violations such as running a red light. If you have a clean driving record, your premiums should be low.

Type of Car: The type of car you drive will affect your premium. Vehicles are rated according to the make (truck, SUV, expensive sports car). Companies look at the risk of theft, vehicle collision history, and injuries associated with the type of car. The age of the car and mileage is also a factor when determining rates

Common insurance discounts include: age discount, multi-vehicle discount, multi-line discount (insuring your home and auto with the same insurer) anti-theft device discount, low mileage discount, and auto club membership discount.

There are a number of features that can be included in an insurance policy. The two most important forms of coverage are:

Collision Coverage: This coverage compensates for damage to your vehicle as a result of a collision with another vehicle or object.

Third-Party Liability: This insurance covers you if you are held legally liable when your vehicle injures someone or damages their property. Liability is mandatory in all provinces and territories in Canada.

In some provinces there are limitations on how much compensation you can receive. For instance, in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, the maximum amount one can claim for pain and suffering is $2,500. This capped amount is separate from what you receive in insurance benefits. Pain and suffering claims are separate from claims of property damage, medical expenses, or loss of employment income.

There are a number of places where you can purchase car insurance. You can buy it from an insurance broker, insurance agent, or direct writer. Insurance brokers sell policies for a variety of insurance companies. Insurance agents represent only one insurance company. Direct writers are insurance companies that sell their own insurance directly to the customer. The insurance company is responsible for providing the coverage that is noted on a drivers Certificate of Automobile Insurance. You are only covered for what is listed on the certificate. Prices vary among companies so make sure you shop around.

Because car insurance is mandatory in Canada, you should always have insurance before you drive. The costs getting caught without it are much greater than the actual cost of acquiring insurance.

About the Author:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Automobile Insurance Policy- When To Opt For High Deductible?

By Chimezirim Odimba

It is very important to choose the right deductible on your auto insurance policy. Have you made the right choice? Do you understand the importance of your deductible and its impact on the overall cost of your auto insurance policy? Permit me to explain why your deductible is so important and how you can use it to get more out of your policy.

Every policy requires the insured to bear a portion of the liability before filing a claim on the policy. This amount is the deductible on the policy. Why does a change in deductible lead to a change in premium charged on your auto insurance policy? If you promise to pay a high deductible on your policy, your insurer will charge low premium on your policy. The promise to pay a high deductible lowers risk of insurers and leads to lower premiums.

Your decision to pay a high deductible on your policy should be determined by risk of accident, theft and damage to your vehicle. If your car contains the latest security devices and is driven by an experienced and safe driver, you can opt to pay a high deductible and enjoy reduced premiums on your policy. On the other hand, you can negate the disadvantages of a bad driving record or residence in an unsafe for neighborhood by offering to pay a high deductible on your policy.

Striking the right balance between deductible and premium is your responsibility. Understand your requirements and act accordingly. Benefits of promising to pay a high deductible in future outweighs the costs and risks involved. You can pay the high deducible by saving money on your auto insurance premium. This way, your promise to pay high deductible will not burden your finances. If you never file a claim on your auto insurance policy, money saved on premium can be used as handsome bonus.

Opt for a low deductible only if chances of filing a claim on your policy are very high.

Opting for online auto insurance and offering to pay high deductible on your policy are great ways to get the cheapest deals. Online insurers are flexible in their approach and offer many benefits in exchange of the promise to pay a high deductible. Do you want to know how much will you save if you pay a higher deductible? Use online quotes to get this information.

All you need to do is input the information required and the relation between your premium and deductible will be on your screen. The biggest advantage of online quotes is that they are available for free and come with no strings attached. So what are you waiting for? Find out whether you can bring down your premium by raising your deductible today.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Easily Find Discount Auto Insurance

By Joseph Welusz

When it comes to bills in general these days, discount auto insurance is going to be high on everyone's list. While it is easy to say that you are going to lower your car insurance, it is sometimes easier to just say it rather than act on it. There are so many things to think about when you are looking into car insurance that you really have to know exactly what you are talking about when you are doing your research.

To begin with, you need to compare quotes. This one is so important, it needs to be repeated: you need to compare quotes. Talk to different insurance companies and agents - just pick their names right out of the phone book. And hey, if you do not have time for that, the Internet is ready to lend a hand - and a bunch of super fast, easy to use search engines. There are plenty of sites on the Internet which can pull different quotes from tons of different insurance companies, and find you a series of quotes in no time flat. You will also be able to input a lot of information when you get your quotes, which will make them more accurate.

You might also consider driving a different kind of car. The type of vehicle you have can have a significant effect on the amount you have to pay to insure it. Naturally, if you drive a sports car, it will cost way more to insure than an average sedan. So, if you intend to purchase a new vehicle, see how much it will cost to insure first.

How old is your car? Brand new cars can be very expensive, but older and especially used cars are going to cost significantly less. That is definitely something to think about when preparing to get a car or choosing a new insurance company.

The deductible on your car insurance is going to be one of those things that are very important as well. Deductibles are extremely confusing to a lot of people, but if you have a low deducible, it can actually keep your monthly or yearly cost very low, so that is something to consider when you are looking into quotes.

As most of us well know, an increasing number of people are choosing to work from their homes. Believe it or not, this can have an effect on your insurance rates. Lots of insurance companies, for instance, offer bonuses for low mileage. You can get a really great discount if you look in the right spots and ask the right questions.

Naturally, your driving record needs to be pretty spotless. Getting speeding tickets, running red lights, and all those other violations will drive the cost of your insurance higher and higher. Drive safely - its good for you and for everyone else on the road.

Finally, as you can see, there are a heck of a lot of things that can really help you to get cheap auto insurance, you really just have to do your research, keep your driving record clean and make sure that you gather up a lot of quotes!

By Joseph Welusz

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Auto Insurance for Teens

By Ras Jacalan

For many, they spend more time in their car than at work, home or school. With so much time spent in the car people should take good care of their car. Taking care of your car does NOT mean spending more money on auto insurance than what is absolutely necessary. Do you even know what terms/coverage your current insurance policy contains? Does it cover, just collision damage or does it cover theft, power train repairs, glass repairs, body work, etc.

The first thing you can do to save money on Auto insurance is to get as many free auto insurance quotes as you can. When purchasing auto insurance you are playing one insurance company off the other. By getting multiple auto insurance quotes you will be able to cut out any of the Pork that you do not need or want. Sure you can get insurance for that $5,000 sound system you have in your carbut really, how many of you reading this article have a $5,000 sound system?

Higher premiums on auto insurance will always be paid by people that opt for modifying their auto. Changes to exterior fittings will make a noticeable difference in the price of the premiums but at least this is an area that most insurance companies are willing to cover.

Auto Insurance quotes and companies normally dont have a problem with insurance modifications when small changes are made. Young drivers will likely be unable to find coverage for their high-powered cars or those with engine modifications.

Insurance for a modified street car used to be very hard to come by, but things have changed a bit. The manner in which auto insurance companies determine the insurance premium for this kind of vehicle has remained the same.

How do the insurance companies determine the cost of auto insurance? They do it by calculating risk. Calculating the amount of risk involved with the driver is decided upon by using gender, age, income, etc. As young drivers, teens will always pay more for their auto insurance than an experienced driver.

You can get the best rate for auto insurance by getting a free auto insurance quote from multiple insurance companies. You can start by clicking on the links at the top of this article.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cheap Car Insurance Quotes

By Marietta Rivers

If you are having difficulty getting cheap car insurance quotes, then your luck has come! This is just the right place for you. Before, I've asked around asking everyone that I knew on how

I can get cheap car insurance and I always end up getting more useless advice than those that are useful. Until finally, I've sought the help of my auto insurance agent and I followed his tips. And believe me, I've been paying very cheap car insurance rates since then. And now, it's time for me to share the things that I've learned.

If you are serious in getting cheap car insurance quotes, then by all means keep a spotless driving record. The more traffic violations you have or car accidents you were involved the higher your car insurance rates will be. Having a spotless driving record is always one of the main factors that car insurance companies take into consideration when setting car insurance premiums. So to be on the safe side, make sure that you are driving carefully all the time.

Also, do take into consideration the value of installing safety features for your car. I, myself have car-alarm, automatic seat belts, airbag, tracking system, and anti-lock brakes all installed in my vehicle. You may think I'm too paranoid but we all know the reality that we live in a not-so-safe world. So to be safe from thieves and even from vandalism activities and also from high cost car insurance rates, I made it sure that I have those installed in my car.

Plus, be friendly and use your charms in joining several group of organizations. The more the merrier I would say. And the reason?

Car insurance companies offer auto insurance discounts if you are a member of a specific organization. So what are you waiting for?

If you are already a member of some organizations, do some research and ask if you can get a discount from your auto insurance premiums.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Classic Car Insurance Tips

By Tom Martens

A classic car is a worthwhile investment. You need to protect that investment by making sure the car is properly insured. The coverage you need will depend on how you use the car.

There are three types of car insurance. Actual cash value is the most common type of car insurance. It pays out the depreciated book value of the car. Stated value allows the car?s owner to state a value for the vehicle that is greater than the actual cash value. Agree value guarantees the car?s owners will get all of their money back in the event that the car is a total loss.

These types of insurance are offered through a standard insurance provider. The owner of a classic car should also consider a classic car insurance policy. These policies can be cheaper and less restrictive than a standard car insurance policy. Some classic car insurance policies require the driver to be 25 years or older. Some programs even require the driver be at least 30 years old. Classic car insurance programs could also limit the amount of driving you do to 2,500 miles or less a year. Annual odometer readings could also be required. The insurance provider will give you specific information on what requirements need to be met in order to insure your classic car.

No matter whether you opt for a standard policy or classic car coverage, be sure that your policy allows flexible use of your car. You want to be sure that you can use the car for an unexpected trip or exhibition without having to buy a rider or a new policy altogether. If you keep your vehicle in storage part of the year, be sure to tell you agent. Some policies offer lower premiums if you drive the car only certain months of the year.

When it?s time to choose a car insurance provider, do your research. Make sure you find a car insurance provider with the knowledge and experience in insuring classic cars. You want to make sure your car insurance provider knows how to properly protect your classic car investment without taking advantage of you. Research both standard insurance providers and classic car insurance providers. Shop around and get more than one insurance quote. Compare quotes and see which provider offers you the best deal. Just make sure the policy offered meets your needs. You don?t want to accept an insurance provider?s offer because the price can?t be beat, only to discover later that the insurance coverage is not what you need for your classic car and driving situation.

Regardless of what type of car insurance policy interests you, make sure you work with a qualified insurance provider. They can look at your exact situation and recommend the insurance product that will best suit your specific needs and protect your classic car investment the way it should be protected.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Reason Why You Need Antique Car Insurance

By Lindelwa Laz

Having an antique automobile isn't just about ownership as many individuals take them to car shows and exhibit them as examples of the styles of years gone past but just like everyday motorcars they require insurance. Although you might think it hard to get, it is surprising how many [companies] can actually supply old car insurance. By having a wide variety of car insurance firms to pick out from, the classic automobile consumer has the ability to pick out the right type of insurance for their requirements.

Many commercial motorcar insurance companies can also provide protection for an antique car also called collectors auto insurance as these insurance policies are tailored to the automobile you are attempting to cover. Perhaps more so than a modern car, these plans need to be more precise and an insurance representative will require as much facts about the automobile before he can supply a tailor made quote. Of course just what level of protection you will decide upon will be down to your budget and how much they set the deductible at.

One particular benefit of insuring your old motorcar through a large commercial insurer is the fact that they should be reliable and will provide a certain peace of mind to the auto owner. The other advantage of this type of insurer is their ability to arrange the protection on any other regular vehicle you own. Although there may be a price rates for antique auto insurance with this type of company, the peace of mind it brings could be well worth the additional amount.

While cost is an issue you may find the specialist car underwriters that exist may be less expensive and be able to provide a superior service as they know more about these types of motorcar, but they are not likely to insure any other motorcar you own. With the number of classic automobiles still around you will not be surprised to learn that even the underwriters have, in some areas, specialized even further to provide cover for only one type of auto.

To be on the safe side it is best to check out any insurance companies, especially the smaller ones so you can be happy in the knowledge that your rates cash and old motorcar are not at risk. The fear for people using a small independent auto insurer is when they may need them to pay out for a claim and get a rejection or find they are filing for bankruptcy.

Locating an old motorcar insurance company is not as straightforward as finding a regular motorcar insurance provider but if you want to know your precious motorcar is protected, it must be done. Many classic automobiles are considered as works of art that will never be repeated and cannot be replaced, but they are also a considerable financial investment on the part of the owners so must be insured.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Marriage And Cheap Car Insurance -- What Is The Connection?

By Chimezirim Odimba

Are you planning to get married in the near future? Are you prepared for its impact on your auto insurance policy? With proper knowledge and planning, you can easily utilize your marriage to bring down your auto insurance premium. Read on to find out how you can get cheaper auto insurance deals after you get married.

A married person can obtain auto insurance at very low premium as compared to an unmarried person. However, benefits of marriage do not end here. There are many other ways in which a person's marriage affects his or her auto insurance premium.

If your spouse too owns a car, has it been insured? Why deal with two different insurers for two cars in the same family? You can obtain cheaper deals by approaching a single insurer for insuring both your cars.

Insurers offer deals at low premiums to married persons. You can demand extra discount on the additional policy you purchase. If you do not want to opt for an additional insurance policy, you can opt for a new policy which provides adequate coverage to both your automobiles. Another advantage of having a spouse who owns a car is that you can share cars and bring down number of miles driven in a year. Auto insurers calculate risk of accidents by the number of miles driven by the insured. If the insured drives a lot, he or she faces higher risk of accidents.

Sharing cars with your spouse will help you drive fewer miles and reduce chances of accidents. Sharing cars with your spouse is the easiest way to cut down on your fuel, maintenance and auto insurance costs.

You can obtain benefit of your spouse's choice of car. If you spouse owns a 'safe' car, it will bring down cost of insurance of both your cars.

If your spouse has a poor driving record, obtaining auto insurance may be an expensive affair. If your spouse is a high risk driver, you to may have to pay a high premium if you opt for combined auto insurance. To bring down cost of your auto insurance, you may have to take the risk of opting for a high deductible on your policy.

The best way to find an affordable auto insurance policy after your marriage is to extend your search over the World Wide Web. You can easily compel insurers to compete with each other and offer maximum benefits to win your deal.

The best part is that these online quotes are available at zero cost and zero commitments. You just have to choose your deal from about five of the top deals. Why pay high premiums when you can easily bring down your auto insurance by virtue of the fact that you are married?

About the Author:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finding The Right Car Insurance

By Tom Martens

No matter where you are in the world finding insurance that is suitable to your needs is not an impossible task. In shopping for car insurance, you need to know what the policy will cover and what you can do to save on your payments and premiums.

Third Party Fire and Theft adds to the minimum by including cover for damage caused by theft, attempted theft and fire. Comprehensive Cover includes all of this and pays to cover damage to your own vehicle in an accident that is your fault.You can choose from three basic types of car insurance cover: Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft and Comprehensive. Third Party is the minimum cover and pays for damage to other people's property caused by an accident that is your fault.

While Comprehensive Cover costs the most, it also provides the greatest amount of coverage. Most South Africans should probably get this kind of insurance to cover all of the risks that they face. Now how do you get this insurance at the best price? These are ten tips that can reduce the cost of your insurance. Not all of them will work for you, but at least some of them will be effective for everyone.

First, shop around and compare quotes. You can find substantial savings just by taking this step to educate yourself about your options. It's easy to do this research online or through a broker. You can also get a discount if you purchase your policy online. Check with individual companies for this option.

If you can afford it, raise your excess amounts to save money in the long run. Just be sure you can pay the excess when you file a claim.Each policy comes with an minimum excess amount. This is the amount you will be responsible to pay in the event you file a claim.

You may gain lower premium with yyour current insurance company by being a safe driver. Each year that passes in which you don't file a claim you may also be eligible to get better rates with another company.

Always consider your insurance costs when you're shopping for a vehicle. High performance and expensive car models cost more to insure due to their increased risk profile and expensive replacement parts. Be sure to include your insurance premiums in your car shopping budget.

Living in high crime areas will increase your rates due to there being a greater possibility of your vehicle being stolen or hijacked. You should greatly consider moving to a better neighborhood, not only to save money on premiums, but for greater personal safety.

You could get a discount if you park your car in a locked garage or behind locked gates overnight. Keeping your vehicle off the street at night reduces the risk that it will be stolen or damaged, therefore reducing your premium.

Most insurance companies will have minimum security requirements for the vehicles it insures. You can add security devices such as gearlocks or global tracking devices that exceed the minimum requirements and receive a discount.

The number of people you let drive your car is also a risk factor. If you keep the number of allowed drivers at a mininmum it helps the insurer calculate your risk factor better in turn lowering your premium.

Don't be afraid to negotiate. Many insurance companies are flexible about their premiums and will be willing to work with you in order to earn your business.

About the Author:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Compare Auto Insurance Rates before buying Auto Insurance

By Guiscard Mathurin

Nothing can get more important than the auto insurance rates, when you think of buying auto insurance plans. And why not! As they are considered to influence how much you would end up paying. Thinking of auto insurance rate is thus considered to be the foremost thought people have.

One of the first thing people do is compare auto insurance rates. Doing so is not a tough activity at all, because all insurance companies have to furnish the auto insurance rates of their plans before hand. Declaring the auto insurance rate of an insurance plan thus gives the correct picture to people as far as their payments for the plan are considered.

You may have faced a situation where your friend could have got an auto insurance plan at A auto insurance rate, and you end up getting the same plan at a different auto insurance rate altogether. Dont be surprised because many underlying factors influence the pricing of an auto insurance plan. Remember, auto insurance rates hinge on how old you are, how good your driving history is and a lot of other factors.

So, what are the factors that influence insurance companies to present their auto insurance rates to people? For starters, your driving history will be taken into count before you get the auto insurance rate from the company. If your driving has been bad all this while, then chances are that you could end up paying a higher auto insurance rate.

Secondly, how old you are, and where you would be driving could also cause an impact on the auto insurance rates. If you are a senior citizen and would be driving on the rush hour roads of the city, the chances of you getting a low auto insurance rate is marginal. Quite surprisingly, you will find that women get insurance plans at a lower auto insurance rate. If you belong to the men folk, there are chances you may feel aggrieved, but you might just have to put up with this fact.

Fishing for auto insurance rates from insurance companies is not a tough ask. All you have to do is log in to the Internet, and within minutes, you will get quotes for auto insurance rates from auto insurance companies. The key though is for you to consider the factors mentioned above.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Discount Auto Insurance

By Belen Smithers

At a time when the economy is going down, everyone would want to increase his savings and buy things at a discount, if possible.

Vehicle insurances are among the necessities of life. The cost of buying an insurance will always be part of a family's budget. That cost, however, need not be a burden anymore.

If you have been paying for a long time vehicle insurance rates that make you grim everytime, worry no more. There are many ways for you to get discount auto insurance as insurers are stepping up their schemes to respond to the needs of the time.

Buy Online

The recent trend among many businesses is to conduct their transactions online because of its many advantages. In the insurance industry, online transaction is highly encouraged because it is a win-win situation for both the insurer and the insured. The insurer incurs lower operational costs, which translates for car insurance discounts for the person buying a vehicle coverage. On top of the discount auto insurance, the insured completed the application in the comfort of his home or anywhere for that matter. There are also free quotes online that a motorist can use before choosing the right policy for his automobile.

Pay Annually

Many people would choose to pay monthly or quarterly for their vehicle insurances not realizing that totaling all of those installments result to about twelve percent more of the insurance premium. While those installments are lighter on the pocket, they result to the insured paying for more. Think of the savings you could have by paying annually. That would already substantial especially when you insure more than one car. Paying the premium one time maybe heavy but it's a one time cost that will benefit you. You don't need to think about car premiums in the next eleven months.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Reasonably Priced Seattle Auto Insurance

By Steve Turner

Not only the individual driver's record but the records of all other drivers on the road are used to determine Seattle auto insurance rates. What some providers do is tally the expenses from the last year and then divide it between those that they insure. While a safe driver will still tend to have a lower rate than a driver with many accidents, their record is not the only thing considered.

There is nothing that you can do to influence the way another person drives. There are a couple of things that you can do though to get cheaper auto insurance in Seattle.

For the most part insurance providers will present young drivers with higher rates. These rates will be even higher if that person is driving a new or expensive car. For this reason it is a good idea for new or inexperienced drivers to drive an older vehicle.

If you do not drive very many miles or if your car is older you may not need the extra protection that comprehensive coverage provides. Carefully outweigh the benefits of this coverage against the raise in premium it will cause.

Mature drivers can be seen as a higher risk by insurance providers. If you have been driving for a number of years consider taking a mature driver's course to help lower your rate.

It is very important to get many quotes before purchasing your auto insurance policy. If you begin by getting some really high ones do not be discouraged. Rates will vary greatly from company to company.

An insurance broker can help in the process of figuring out what you can do to find the cheapest Seattle auto insurance coverage. Because of the knowledge and training that they have, brokers can easily compare policies and providers and find you the best deal.

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Adding Roadside Assistance to your Car Insurance Package

By A Nutt

Roadside Assistance is great way to provide security for you and your family. You never know when you may blow out a tire or your battery will go dead. Many people are now adding roadside assistance coverage to their car insurance packages.

There are a number of benefits to adding roadside assistance to a Ontario insurance policy. The following list contains the advantages of adding roadside assistance to your insurance package:

Value: Many insurance companies will offer lower premiums if you add roadside assistance to your insurance policy. One emergency response could result in the coverage paying for itself. For instance, the cost of one tow can be much more expensive than the insurance premium. It is better to pay a little extra each month instead of hundreds of dollars all at once.

Roadside Assistance Contact: If you have a problem with your vehicle, contacting a technician is as easy as pulling out a card and dialing. You don't have to call directory information or search through the yellow pages. Response is usually quick.

Towing Service: If your car breaks down on the side of the road, roadside assistance will cover your towing costs. It will also cover the costs of towing your car to a qualified and certified mechanic shop.

Flat Tire: If you have a flat tire, a service technician will come out, remove the tire, and install the spare Lost or Stolen Keys: If you lose or have your keys stolen, or locked them in the car, a professional will come out and help recover them or provide you with a new set of keys.

Battery Boost: A battery that goes dead is a very common occurrence. This could be due to the cold or leaving the lights on. If your battery dies, someone will be sent out to jump it for you. Emergency Fuel and Fluid Delivery: If you your gas tank is empty or you require another type of vehicle fluid, a technician will bring a replacement to you. In most cases the delivery service is free with the roadside assistance package. You may have to pay for the cost of the fluid.

Medical and Trauma Assistance: If you are in a serious car accent, having roadside assistance with an insurance package can provide coverage for such services as towing to the nearest approved vehicle yard after an accident, road or air ambulance service, care for stranded children, transfer to the most appropriate medical facility, lifesaving medication or blood transfer, and trauma support.

Different items or events are covered under roadside assistance. Conditions may apply in certain emergency assistant situations. When searching for the appropriate roadside package to go with your car insurance policy, you should find out such information as the maximum financial benefits you can receive each year, the financial limitations, the costs not covered in the policy, and the number of times you can request assistance.

Roadside assistance helps drivers through the worst situations. Even if you know how to change a flat tire, there are many unexpected events that can occur. If you spend much time traveling alone and over long distances, you should have roadside assistance with your car insurance. Check your car insurance policy to see if you qualify. Before choosing a plan, make sure you know how much roadside assistance you will need and confirm that the plan will meet your needs. If you have a car problem, you will be happy and relieved knowing that you added roadside assistance. Your family will rest easy knowing that you are in safe hands.

About the Author:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Towing Services and Roadside Assistance

By A Nutt

Roadside assistance is a great thing to have for the fact that it can get you out of a bind when you are traveling. There is nothing more frightening when on the road than breaking down and not having anyone to help you. There are too many instances in which an individual may be traveling and they break down too far away from anyone they know. What happens is they then have to call a towing service to help them and that towing service will charge a lot of money to tow them to a hotel or another destination.

Sure, it is great that towing is available if you need it, but the cost can be so incredibly high. If youre traveling with a limited amount of money, you may find yourself sleeping in your car somewhere because you have to pay the towing fee and you cant afford a hotel. You would be amazed how many people this happens to. Whats said is that this doesnt have to happen at all.

Roadside assistance

If you tend to travel or you are going to be traveling sometime soon, it is important that you look into a good roadside assistance package with towing services. You pay one low fee each month for your roadside assistance. It usually consists of different services, such as tire assistance, battery assistance, lockout service, and someone will bring you gas if you run out of gas. But the towing service can be the best of them all for the fact that there isnt always a fix right there on the side of the road. The car needs to be taken somewhere if it will not run at all.

Instead of you having to call a tow truck and pay them every dime in your pocket, you can call your auto club and tell them what is going on. What they will do is contact a local tow service for you and two you for a certain distance. You have to take a look at your roadside assistance plan to know how far they will tow you. Many of them will tow you up to 50 miles and what is great is you dont have to pay them when they are done. Your roadside assistance service takes care of that for you because youve been paying them monthly anyway. Youve more or less already covered the cost through your membership fee, so you have nothing to worry about when youre on the road.

Should you get it?

If youre still wondering if you should get roadside assistance, you have to ask yourself how you would handle being stranded in a strange place. If you have a wireless phone, you could call information for a towing service, but then you would be stuck with the cost. That is where you ask yourself if you could handle the cost of towing if you had to. You dont want to be one of those individuals who pay large amounts of money to be towed to a hotel lot or a supermarket parking lot so that you can sleep in your car and seek out help the next day. That is simply unacceptable, especially if you dont have to put yourself through that.

So if you dont have a roadside assistance package that includes towing, you need to get one. It is good to be safe than sorry when you are out and about on the road. When it is all said and done, that will be a move that you were glad you made. It is worth the monthly cost to not be stuck somewhere.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Low Cost Car Insurance

By Candy Jameson

Looking for low cost car insurance? You can literally find hundreds of it over the Internet. But is it advisable to purchase right away an insurance policy online just because it is cheap? It actually depends because a cheap insurance coverage may not typically be the best insurance policy for you.

It is therefore necessary to have a basic knowledge on all, if not at least most, of the aspects that deal with cheap auto insurance. In understanding the basics of insurance market, you can actually be very critical with your decisions prior to purchasing a policy coverage as to not be regretful in the end. Since insurance rates may vary from one state to another and among different insurance companies, you need to know the rules regulating these auto insurance industries and identify factors that have an impact on rates. So in order for you to find that low cost auto insurance, here are some factors that could help you get a low cost car insurance premium.

Shop Around

Insurance rates could be significantly different among different insurers. Each insurer has its way of classifying you and your car to a specific rate of insurance premium. What one company consider as a high risk factor might be considered as low to the other company.

You may opt to shop for quotes via the Internet. You only have to answer their questionnaire online and they can immediately classify you as to what rate you belong based on the information that you have given to them.

Buy a lower group car

Your type of vehicle can also affect your insurance premium. Definitely, high priced cars have expensive insurance premiums due to the fact that they have high cost of insurance claims. Choose a car from a lower group if want to have a cheaper auto insurance. These cars have low maintenance and are fuel-efficient thus you are able to save more.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Cheap Vehicle Insurance -- Ways To Save Much

By Chimezirim Odimba

Is it possible you have a car that you've not used for a long while? Is one of your cars been covered in the garage for up to six months because it's broken? Have you removed it from your auto insurance policy?

Simple as this looks a lot of people end up paying thousands in unnecessary premiums because they don't remember to remove such cars from their policy. If you made this kind of mistake then you can save yourself a lot of bucks by quickly removing an unused car or cars from your policy.

Belonging to an auto club could attract a discount with a good number of insurance companies. Don't allow the smallness of the discount this may get you stop you from taking advantage of it if it makes sense in your situation.

Do your best to represent the facts exactly the way they are. One of the factors that has kept rates as high as they are is insurance fraud. It's making everyone pay a lot more.

If you couldn't care less about the cost to everyone in general, don't forget that your insurer is free to cancel your policy on the grounds of false representation.

This could make you lose a lot more than what you thought you would save. Your rates are raised by a big margin by your new insurer once your auto insurance policy lapses.

Insurance fraud costs the average family an extra $1,500 in premium dollars each year. You can help reduce this to our collective advantage by being truthful when completing your application form and if you ever have to file a claim.

Policyholders who do NOT make claims for up more than 3 years get a No Claims bonus. Those who understand how to take advantage of this often handle very minor repairs and fixes and so easily become eligible for this discount. Handling little fixes on your own will help you save more as you'll get a big discount.

Another alternative for you is to use your parents' car insurance policy. Your parents certainly belong to a better risk age group.

To take advantage of this though, you'll have to live with your parents and also have the vehicle registered in their name. This means that by law they own the vehicle. If the benefits of "independence" outweigh your auto insurance savings then this is certainly not an option for you.


While you do these other things to bring down your auto premium, here's something you can do to receive lower rates now: Visit good insurance quotes sites and request for quotes.

Visit a minimum of five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. Make sure you give your correct details as you fill the forms presented. All you have to do next is simply pick the insurer that represents the best price/value from the quotes you receive.

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